Ohio: High Cincinnatians (Indiana-Kentucky-Ohio) – Applications

Scholarship Applications for

Ohio: High Cincinnatians (Indiana-Kentucky-Ohio) 

Sorted by Member Club Name, Student Name

Application Count: 26
Displaying 26 - 26 of 26
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Student's Full Name
Student's Email Address
General Release Form
Sponsoring Member Tall Club
Awards Received and Grade (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
Honors Received and Grade (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
Athletics Participation and Grade (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
Community Service and Grade (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
Volunteer Service and Grade (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
Offices Held and Grade (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
Personal Achievements and Grade (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
Employment (Current or Past) (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
Official High School Transcript
Recommendation #1 - Full Name
Recommendation #1 - Email Address
Recommendation #1 - Reference Rating Sheet
Recommendation #1 - Reference Letter
Recommendation #2 - Full Name
Recommendation #2: Email Address
Recommendation #2 - Reference Rating Sheet
Recommendation #2 - Reference Letter
Finalist to Submit to TCI Foundation?
College Name (Final Choice)
Where shall the TCI Foundation mail the Scholarship Check?
Scholarship Coordinator's Name
Scholarship Coordinator's Home Address
Student's Home Address
University Student Id:
University/College Billing Address
Aiden Cole
Ohio: High Cincinnatians
Excellence in English (9) Awarded to the top Language arts student (1 of 60) in the class.
Excellence in World History (9) Awarded to the top World History student (1 in 60) in the class.
John Phillip Sousa Award (10) Awarded to the top band student (1 in 50) at Jackson Milton yearly
Excellence in Algebra II (11) Awarded to the top Algebra II student (1 in 30) in the class.
Top Quizbowl Scorer (11) Awarded to the top quizbowl scorer on the Jackson Milton team.
National Honors Society (11,12) Member of NHS at Jackson Milton.
Dartmouth Bound (11) Flown out to visit Dartmouth College on fully paid for trip by the college. I was selected in a highly competitive fly-in program to visit the college.
Colgate in Focus (11) Flown out to visit Colgate University on fully paid for trip by the university. I was selected to a highly competitive fly-in program to visit the university (3 percent acceptance).
FBI Future Agents in Training (11) Selected to participate in the FBI’s Future Agents in Training Program, a selective summer program exploring careers in the FBI inside the Cleveland Bureau.
Varsity Soccer (9,10,11,12) Plays on the schools varsity soccer team. Team Captain (12).
Marching Band (9,10,11,12) Plays in the schools marching band. First clarinet.
Rec Soccer (9,10,11) Plays for multiple rec leagues in the community during the off-season.
First Federated Church (10,11,12) Provided food to those in need with a monthly food drive, and would often help the church out with repairs, from painting to flooring. (40 hours)
Student Council / Key Club / National Honors Society (9,10,11,12) Volunteers for a variety of school and community functions through Student Council, Key Club, and NHS. (20 hours)
Camp Counselor, Camp Fitch YMCA (10,11,12) Counselor for groups of kids ages 5 - 14, responsible for campers personal safety, fun, and personal growth. Has volunteered over 400 hours during the offseason (weekend trips) for underserved local student trips.
Youngstown State University Sokolov Honors College Student Representative
As the student representative for the honors college at YSU in the college credit plus department (dual enrollment) I meet with faculty at YSU to plan meetings and encourage prospective students to enroll at YSU for dual enrollment during high school.
Band Leadership
Woodwind Section leader for band, representing the woodwinds for music selection and leading rehearsals.
Red Cross trained lifeguard; CPR, first aid, and AED certified.
Poll Worker, Mahoning County Board of Elections (11th) Registered voter, poll worker - Provisional Judge - for 2022 Midterms.
2023 Ohio Special Election. (12 hours per election) Compensated community service.
Senior Soloist for Stambaugh Youth Concert Band; selected out of all senior members of the honor band to perform in the spring concert.
Waiter, CHC Restaurant and Pizza (10,11,12) Waits tables for about 15 hours weekly to save for college, providing excellent customer service for about 50 patrons daily.
Kim Wiery
Tyler Halavick

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