Payment Details for
Wisconsin: (Mad Town Talls and Tall Club of Milwaukee) and Minnesota
Sorted by Member Club, Student Name
Application Count: 1
Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Finalist to Submit to TCI Foundation? | Potential Sponsor in your State of Residence: | Student's Full Name | Student's Email Address | TCI Foundation Winner? | Scholarship Coordinator's Name | College Name | Where shall the TCI Foundation mail the Scholarship Check? | Scholarship Coordinator's Home Address | Student's Home Address | University Student Id: | University/College Billing Address | Date Check Mailed | Check Number | Check Amount |
Yes | Wisconsin: Mad Town Talls (Serving West Wisconsin) | Ambrose Engling | | Yes | Dave Rasmussen | Princeton University (accepted and committed) | Student (Home Address) | 6833 Phil Lewis Way
Middleton, WI
US | 06/01/2024 | 1039 | 1000.00 |